|   Walnut  
Juglans regia

The Plant

A well known tree from the Juglandaceae family that produces walnuts. It originated in Asia Minor and  Persia and was later imported to almost all of Europe where it is cultivated  for both the  production of fruit and excellent wood.
The oldest recollection of its cultivation in Italy is that by Varrone born in 116 B.C.
The plant is also remembered by the Greeks and Latins. From the most remote times its walnut husk and root bark were used in the Orient for dyeing cloth black.
This usage was then imported to all countries along with the importation of the tree.

Dried leaves and bark are used for dyeing.
The leaves are collected in August and left to dry in the shade.
The bark is collected at the beginning of September, before the complete maturation of the fruit, and left to dry in the sun.

Color characteristics
Excellent resistance to light and washing in water.

Franco Brunello “ L’arte della tintura nella storia dell’umanita” Neri Pozza editore – Vicenza;
Gunter Meier ” Colori vegetali. Ricerca, produzione, utilizzo” Associazione Casanova